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News : Notice of Admit Card Download for UG (NEP SYSTEM) B.A./ B.Sc. /B.Com. (Hons. & Gen.) Semester-III Examination 2024-25.
Published On 12/3/2025

Notification for UG (NEP SYSTEM) B.A./ B.Sc. /B.Com. /BBA/BCA Semester-III Examination 2024-25

Download of Admit card


It is hereby notified for information of all concerned regarding forthcoming UG (NEP) Examinations’ 2024-25 of Semester-III that Admit Cards as per Revised Examination Schedule Dated 10/03/2025 is ready for download from the designated website of this University.


It is mandatory for all students eligible for appearing this examinations to download Admit Cards as per above.


This may kindly be noted that previously downloaded Admit Cards prior to this Notification Dated 12/03/2025, will no longer be considered a valid document to appear for the above examinations.


Practical Examination shall be held as scheduled earlier from 26/03/2025 to 05/04/2025.


For Admit Card correction, if any, Examination Department, WBSU, 2nd Floor, Administrative Block, may be contacted till 18/03/2025, up to 5:00 P.M.







       P.N. Das College