News Category : NEWSFLASH Published On 13/3/2025 Download NOTICE OF EXAM FORM FILLUP FOR SEM-I (REGULAR/BACKLOG) (NEP System) 2024-25 - Fill the Exam Form through this website : –> Forms -> UG NEP SEM-I/SEM-III EXAM FORM - University Exam Fees:- 450/- Form/Admit:- 50/- Total: 500/- - University Practical Exam Fees to be paid by the candidate per paper: Chemistry: 300/- Geography (Hons.): 170/- Physics: 150/- Computer Science: 170/- Physical Education: 170/- - Note: Payment to be made through (ATM/Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking) only. - Others Charges: Clear your College due fees if any. - Documents Needed for SEM-I NEP Regular Candidates:- 1. Take 3 copies Printout of the Exam Form. 2. Acknowledgement Card (RED CARD/ FEES BOOK). 3. Payment receipt of deposited Admission fees & others fees. 4. Library Clearance. 5. Fill the Feeback Form link provided by the College.
- Duration of Fill up Forms: From 13-03-2025 to 22-03-2025 -
Documents Needed for SEM-I NEP CASUAL/Backlog Candidates:- 1. Take 3 copies Printout of the Exam Form. 2. 1 (one) copy passport photo. 3. 2 (two) copies Xerox of SEM-I NEP Marksheet. 4. Acknowledgement Card (RED CARD/ FEES BOOK). 5. Rs. 101/- Cash. - - |